January 20, 2012

Session 9

Teaser: Five asbestos cleaners snag a lucrative contract at a mental asylum that could save their business. Things begin to look up until one of them brings their personal demons to work.  

Best Feature: Erie Hitchcock-esque environment and dialogue. Keeps you on the edge and brilliantly plays out the asylum aspect. Although, not in my top 10, it is a worthy mention because the concept is pitch perfect only the execution is off.

Worst Feature: Acting and dialogue. The gore is underwhelming, but not in the sense that there isn't enough of it, rather the problem lies in the fact that it is almost child friendly and shockless gore (if that makes any sense).

This movie is really at the cusp of brilliant here. They absolutely made a great horror movie from a conceptual standpoint. There are some shortcomings, specifically it is not particularly well-acted and the banter amongst the characters is not all that charming. However, the B movie feel to it actually is part of what makes this movie effective. It possesses that Hitchcockian aire of "high-brow horror", where the level of suspense and intensity is largely dependent on the imagination of the viewer. In my case, I found Session 9 chillin, albeit not very scary. Think Silent Hill (the video game) or Shutter Island (this movie is actually more effective at creating chills and unease) and you will have an idea of why many find this movie so promising. I hope it gets remade with a better cast and given a more dark feeling reboot, ala Christopher Nolan's transformation of the Batman franchise, and then I will be able to place this movie in my top 5.

My Ranking: Top 10 Entire Horror Genre
Rotten Tomatoes: 62%

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